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MasonrySaver All-Purpose Heavy-Duty Water Repellent
MasonrySaver All-Purpose Heavy-Duty Water Repellent
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MasonrySaver All Purpose Heavy Duty Water Repellent is the "Work-Horse" product of the MasonrySaver line. This proprietary blend of silanes and siloxanes creates a "SaltShield" barrier on concrete surfaces, for greater resistances to the deteriorating effects of road salts and de-icing chemicals. Available in 1 and 5 gallon containers.

1 gallon price: $44.95
5 gallon price: $215.51 *Ships Free
Our Price: $44.95

Product Code: SS_SSW


Description Technical Specs Extended Information
MasonrySaver All-Purpose Heavy-Duty Water Repellent is a one component, V.O.C. compliant water repellent and "chloride screen", which contains an optimized blend of silane/siloxane. This water-based blend penetrates concrete and masonry up to 1/4 inch or more depending on surface porosity and moisture content at the time of application.

It reacts with the minerals in concrete and masonry in the presence of ultraviolet light and atmospheric moisture. This reaction forms strong permanent bonds beneath the surface and creates a hydrophobic zone that prevents water molecules from penetrating, while allowing free migration of water vapors. The chemical bonds formed in this process allow MasonrySaver Heavy-Duty Water Repellent to become an integral part of the substrate and provide long-term water repellent protection.
  • 7 year warranty
  • Protection from de-icing chemicals
  • Non-glossy
  • 100% vapor permeable
  • Stain protection
  • Mildew/fungus resistant
  • Freeze-thaw protection

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